On 24.04.2014 18:36, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

in file trunk\main\oox\source\drawingml\textbodyproperties.cxx
there is the part

void TextBodyProperties::pushToPropMap( PropertyMap& rPropMap ) const
    rPropMap.insert( maPropertyMap.begin(), maPropertyMap.end() );

// #160799# fake different vertical text modes by top-bottom writing mode
    if( moVert.get( XML_horz ) != XML_horz )
rPropMap[ PROP_TextWritingMode ] <<= ::com::sun::star::text::WritingMode_TB_RL;

moVert is a member in
struct TextBodyProperties
    PropertyMap         maPropertyMap;
    OptValue< sal_Int32 > moRotation;
    OptValue< sal_Int32 > moVert;

    explicit            TextBodyProperties();

    void                pushToPropMap( PropertyMap& rPropMap ) const;
in file trunk\main\oox\inc\oox\drawingml\textbodyproperties.hxx

Why is it not simple
if (moVert != XML_horz)

moVert is defined as

OptValue< sal_Int32 > moVert;

The oox::OptValue template class, defined in oox/inc/oox/helper/helper.hxx, does not provide direct access to its value. You have to call the get() method to read the value<http://aoodev1:8080/source/xref/current/main/oox/inc/oox/helper/helper.hxx>.

Looking at the code you pasted, I am asking myself if there should not be a call to OptValue::has() before the get() method is called.

Kind regards

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