On 16.04.2014 01:16, Steele, Raymond wrote:
Why do you mention the Solaris Sparc UNO C++ bridge below. Is it related to the 
x86/intel bridge. I am running Solaris 11 x86_64.

Ah, ok. Looking at the directory main/bridges/source/cpp_uno there is no UNO bridge yet for Solaris Studio on a x86-64 CPU. But apparently your compile got through, so in order to know where to tweak you need to find out which bridge was actually used. Then you can adapt it to your platform (operating system, compiler, cpu architecture, ABI).

As I mentioned the platform independence of AOO's UNO subsystem was unfortunately not designed in e.g. by using plain programming language constructs or using portable mechanisms like C-linking. Getting a bridge to work was accomplished by brute force :-/ (reverse engineering the vtable layouts, symbol mangling, calling conventions, implementation details of exception handling, etc.) but if we're lucky a few tweaks to the currently active bridge could suffice.

For an idea on what tweaks might be needed please check the evolution of the related x86-64 bridges for Linux, FreeBSD or MacOSX.


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