Hello Pedro,

What Alexandro was telling about is the tool "Proofing Tool GUI".

I have released a V3.0 beta the other week which is now ultra-fast on dictionaries, but I still need to do the same with the other parts of the code... it is a complex task to replace the "easy" code with more complex one.

You can find the tool here:

I have been using it for en_GB both for Mozilla and Apache OpenOffice.

Kind regards,
      >Marco A.G.Pinto

On 14/04/2014 19:02, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Hi Pedro, Marco Pinto has been contributing to the project for some
time, he has his own tool for spellchecking and also has update the
english package for the dictionaries. I think is a good first step
since he already know the ropes of the project.

If you need more information regarding the process of contribution I
suggest to read "the apache way" and also some of the introductory
modules. Located here:

On 3/14/14, Pedro Coutinho <pedrocouti...@live.com.pt> wrote:
Good evening,

I’m a student
 from Minho University in Portugal, taking my Master's in Computer Teaching,
myself and a colleague of mine, require as a group to contribute to an open
source project, as a requirement for the course, during this semester (we
must conclude by July 2014).
The expected outcomes are:
Analyst – Requirement document;
                                          Programmer – Code;
                                          Tester – Bug report.

a list of choices, we were given, we chose the http://www.openoffice.org/
community to collaborate
with. Our teacher Luis Barbosa
(l...@di.uminho.pt) is participating in
the project “A Pilot Project on Non-Conventional Learning” with the
of Sara Fernandes (sara.fernan...@iist.unu.edu)
from de United Nations University – IIST.

Myself and my colleague,
already concluded a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of
Science of
Porto University - Portugal.

We have experience with: C,
C++, Java, _javascript_, Prolog, Haskell, SQL, PHP, CSS, HTML. We are hoping
we could collaborate
and help the openoffice community with QA, translation, graphic design or
tasks, maybe 3-4 hours a week.

We would like to know if you are willing to cooperate with us
and if you could recommend any appropriate
tasks for us to work on?

await your reply.




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