Am 04/14/2014 12:26 PM, schrieb Yuzhen Fan:
Please send the picture you mentioned as attachment, I guess you just
pasted it as RTF in your original email which is not displayed.
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:46 AM, osimeno<> wrote:
Thanks dear Marcus,
I send a picture on last mail,maybe you can't see
that.The problem is there are some characters display like box,some
characters display chinese very well.I want to show chinese all,but i don't
know how to do.
I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with Chinese. Please send your question
to the Users mailing list. I'm sure there are much more people with
Chinese skills who can help you. See here:
At 2014-04-12 03:16:45,"Marcus (OOo)"<> wrote:
Am 04/11/2014 07:38 AM, schrieb osimeno:
I had installed the openoffice 4,there are some problems maybe you can
help me.
My system is rhel6.3_X64 and use chinese .
My first step : tar -xvf openoffice -C /usr/src/
My second step : cd /usr/src/zh-CN/RPMS
rpm - ivh openoffice-*
My third step : cd desktop*
rpm -ivh openoffice4.0-redhat*
And i had reboot the system.
the problem is that:
so can you help me?
Unfortunately, you don't have mentioned the actual problem or error
message. Nevertheless I would recommend you to use the users mailing
list for discussing problems:
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