
I would like to propose a new RC3 based on revision 1586584 of our
AOO410 release branch.

Integrated fixes for

The fix for https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=124636 is not
integrated because it is not really critical and the fix is not yet well
enough tested.

It is potentially not understandable for people why we don't integrate
all available fixes but our experience have shown that even minor and on
the first look uncritical fixes can cause regressions. As acting release
manager it is my goal to stabilize the release branch and bring the
planned release out. I am sometimes to optimistic and over motivated and
try to push a release. But this time it becomes again clear that our
code base is tricky and complex and we need probably more time to
stabilize and test it. We published a Beta with >200000 downloads and
received no critical feedback which was promising. But with the first RC
we got several critical issues and partly on code that is in the product
since last year. I am sure we can do better and the question after the
release will be how we can improve this. Quality is important for us and
I invite all to think about ways how we can improve this together.


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