ATTENTION: we have to repackage the windows builds, the vote will
continue because we change nothing, just repackage the install packages

I have built with the release=t flag to be prepared for future patches
that will allow us for example to upgrade a 4.1 or 4.2 to an 4.3. The
whole mechanism is very complex and it seems that we have overseen a
small detail. No big thing we just have to rebuild for now and have to
test the patch mechanism a little bit more.

That means also that the msp have to be used even more careful. They
work to upgrade a 4.0.1 to a 4.1 but the next msp for a potential 4.2 or
4.1.1 can't be applied to a patched 4.0.1.


On 4/2/14 3:16 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> FOLLOW UP discussion please on the dev list!!!
> Last week I proposed a final schedule for our upcoming AOO 4.1 release.
> We are a little bit behind because the fact that we had to fix some
> further critical issues. Nevertheless I would like to propose a first RC
> based on revision 1583666 from the AOO410 branch. We spend a lot of time
> in preparing the RC in time and the upload is ongoing. The MacOS and
> Windows versions are already available and the Linux upload is still
> ongoing. But keep in mind the binaries are for convenience and the
> release relevant bits are the source release.
> The RC builds can be found as always under
> An overview of the fixes issues, enhancements and tasks going into this
> release can be found under
> I invite all volunteers to help with the verification of the fixed
> issues. Especially the issues related to translation updates/fixes
> should be verified by native speakers.
> A related RAT scan can be found under
> I have also prepared patches (msp) for Windows and for the languages we
> have released with AOO 4.0.1. The patches are intended for private use
> only and of course for testing but not for the release. It's the first
> time that we prepared a complete set of patches and we have to test the
> functionality a little bit more. The related full install sets are
> prepared for patches in the future and can release patches in the future
> as well if they work as expected. By the way I have upgraded AOO 4.0.1
> (en-US) on my Windows laptop with the msp to AOO 4.1 ;-)
> I plan to start a vote for this RC later today and let it run until
> Sunday night, means enough time to test and evaluate the bits careful.
> Linux binaries will be available tomorrow latest.
> We have not fixed and integrated all requested showstoppers because they
> were not all showstoppers from my perspective and we should take into
> account that we have limited resources in the project able to fix
> issues. We focused on issues that are obviously showstoppers and on
> those who are relevant for most of our users.
> Juergen

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