On 25/03/2014 Rob Weir wrote:
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Deyla Jacopo
<jde...@regione.emilia-romagna.it> wrote:
Hi, I'd like to help test accessibility of 4.1.0 ...
I've downloaded and installed both the yesterday's italian and english versions
(1579169) from here
I'm not sure whether that snapshot is being built from the 410 branch
(which should be stable) or the trunk (which may have issues).
Hello Jacopo,
indeed the "Windows ia2 Branch Install Packages" are outdated and not
available in Italian anyway (they are the last two files listed in the
page, and that section is a leftover from when ia2 was still a
development branch; it was integrated several months ago).
The daily builds come from our (unstable) trunk and as Rob explained
they are "bleeding edge" and do not reflect what will appear in 4.1.0.
Development builds from the AOO410 branch can be found at
http://www.openoffice.org/download/ (right column, Additional
Resources). Chances are that these are the same builds you actually
downloaded, even if you meant to download the ia2 builds. So if you
found severe issues in them, we are certainly interested in knowing
more. They reflect quite closely what we expect to release as version 4.1.0.
Are you saying that you can't even launch OpenOffice the first time? Are
you installing over an existing user profile? See
http://s.apache.org/profilo for some tips on how to start with a clean
profile, on an Italian version of Windows.
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