
Concerning beanshell itself, we did everything we were supposed to do to get Beanshell into the ASF. The code was relicensed and the major IP-clearance process was done. The author also submitted a SGA to the ASF secretary. You can check out the code in apache-extras:


As I see it, what stalled the process were basic doubts about the value of the incubation process itself. In other words, we already did most of what was meant to be done in incubation (the IP-clearance and the SGA) so if any Apache Project needs the code they can consume it directly.

After the vote (which is apparently still open?), most of us that were involved, have been too busy on other things.

I would have thought that the Beanshell code was more valuable to the rest of the ASF than to Apache OpenOffice, where the extension is optional. Beyond AOO, what I would have really liked is to see the Apache Commons BSF update their support for Beanshell and take it in.

best regards,


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