
On 2014-03-25, at 04:22, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3/24/14 5:09 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2014-03-24, at 06:18, Rainer Bielefeld 
>> <rainerbielefeld_ooo...@bielefeldundbuss.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is someone from Germany observing this?
>>> <http://www.heise.de/open/meldung/Behoerden-wollen-Libre-OpenOffice-verbessern-2152858.html>
>> I had a discussion on improving OO with the lead of the (mostly German) Open 
>> Source Business Alliance, Peter G. Sounded great… but the emphasis for him 
>> was on LibreOffice.
>> Not AOO.
> I can't remember a person Peter G. but I participated in the workshop
> (as reported last year) and helped with the spec and use cases. The
> project in general is a very good idea and I hope that they get many
> quotes from interested developers, companies, ...
> Nevertheless is the spec not detailed enough from my perspective and I
> have reported my feedback but it is not directly reflected. Only some
> use-cases are dropped because no detail information was provided or it
> is already implemented in AOO and can be consumed by LO (probably
> already is consumed).
> The first project was sub-optimal regarding the excat definition of how
> the work have to be delivered. In the end the patches were at least
> under ALv2 as well but we were not able to integrate them easy
> (incomplete or not applicable) and not all patches are integrated. Keep
> in mind that this work means man power and the work was already paid.
> Even the implementation was not complete and we have done much more than
> only tweaking the available patch.
> Nevertheless have we worked on a better definition of how the work have
> to be delivered in this new project to ensure that both AOO and LO
> benefit from the improvements. Well LO benefits anyway from the work we
> do for AOO but that is of course a different story.
> Juergen

As it happens, Peter Ganten just replied to my post to him of yesterday. He 
told me that Matthias Stürmer is more relevant here. "Matthias is the speaker 
of the working 
group "office interoperability" of the OSB Alliance," Peter wrote. I asked 
Peter to put Matthias in contact with Juergen and informed Peter that we are 
discussing OSBA's interest here on our dev@ list.

I remain open to the possibilities. I'm perhaps more optimistic for longterm 
outcomes, though do not dismiss this one at all, as this funded opportunity may 
lead to more substantial ones later, or at least greater visibility of some of 
the rather useful advantages of having open standards and open source developed 
locally (but with global effects).

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