On 24.03.2014 15:36, Herbert Duerr wrote:
On 24.03.2014 15:13, sebb wrote:
On 24 March 2014 13:51, Herbert Duerr <h...@apache.org> wrote:
On 23.03.2014 09:52, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

sebb wrote:

There is still an SVN tree  under Incubator:
I assume this was all transferred to the main ASF SVN area at
If  so, please can someone tidy up the Incubator tree?

It was indeed all transferred, and the old copy made read-only by
It wasn't deleted since we still had releases and documentation around
that referred to the Incubator.

There are still many e.g. Wiki pages that reference the incubator
I updated some of them but there are still plenty left, e.g. about the
branch aw080, netbeans, OOXML, etc.

I suggest to update them to their new location at
For links that should continue to point into the incubator directory,
because the branch was integrated and removed at the new location SVN
the possibility to reference older branches using the

Although that should work, I think it could be confusing.

IMO it would be better to find the appropriate entry in the new SVN
If there is no such entry, is there really a need to keep the
reference to the incubator-only SVN tree?

I mostly agree. For the pages that I already updated I was able to
change all references to their new repository location.

But for sub-project specific pages the status is not always obvious
which alternative would be most suitable:
- update them to their new repository location
- keep the link into the incubator location
- are the pages are still relevant or could/should they be deleted.
AFAIK it is not easy to resurrect deleted Wiki pages, so doing that on
still somewhat interesting pages would be a net loss.

The best solution would be to check the problematic pages and their
links. So if anyone has more insight into their status please update them:
A quick google search found pages about the "object inspector
extension", the "netbeans" extension, the "aw080" branch, OOXML, etc.

A closer examination showed that the problematic links had counterparts in the post-graduation repository location and the text around these links didn't indicate a special dependency, so I'm confident that it was OK to update them, which I just did.

So if the next 72 hours indicate consensus on removing the incubator/ooo part of the repository I suggest that we should do so. The code history is already preserved in our git-import.


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