We have issues with our system administration team, the "VM Team" taking care of the forum and wiki machines. A few days ago, incompatible interpretations of the system administration process emerged and led to personal discussions not yet concluded. Details really don't matter so much to me, but I can say that the discussion was about an unauthorized package upgrade (on one hand, this breaks the agreed policy; on the other hand, this was harmless).

I still do hope that things can be reconciled through a personal, private or public discussion, especially considering that no damage was done and that I trust both people involved.

However, as a result of the ongoing discussion, and pending its resolution, both Forum and Wiki are not actively maintained at the moment. So expect delays in the related issues. Emergency maintenance (service/machine restart) is still possible: all team members, including me, still have all privileges for those emergency operations.

Needless to say, if the conclusion is that incompatibilities cannot be solved, we'll need to make changes to the team. And find a solution that can last longer, since I wish we had only constructive discussions on this topic until at least the end of 2014.


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