Juergen, Oliver and I have changed product names and some images to
contain the word 'beta'. I would like to explain some of the technical
background and constraints.
How to use:
Go to instsetoo_native/util and run
dmake openofficebeta
to build the beta version of OpenOffice for all languages and supported
package formats on the platform or
dmake openofficebeta_<language>/<format>
to do the same for the specified language and package format (run dmake
help for details on language and package format).
What has changed:
Most places that show the name 'OpenOffice' or 'Apache OpenOffice' now
display 'OpenOffice Beta' or 'Apache OpenOffice Beta'. Examples are the
title bar of application windows, the about box, installation dialogs
(if they exist on your platform), and the download packages.
Some images now contain the word 'beta' in big red letters. These are
the splash screen, the start center and the about box. Guiding principle
here was not to make the images pretty but to make the beta status obvious.
How that is implemented:
instsetoo_native/util/openoffice.lst contains a description of the
different 'products' like the regular OpenOffice, developer versions,
language packs and the SDK.
For the beta we have copied the Apache_OpenOffice product (which defines
the regular OpenOffice) and basically added the word 'Beta' to all
variants of the product name.
The same was done for the languagepacks and the SDK.
See openoffice.lst if you are interested in the details.
Some changes where necessary to add the make targets to
instsetoo_native/util/makefile.mk and to replace the images. Guiding
principle for the changes was to minimize changes of the existing
workflow to not introduce regressions or beta-specific artifacts.
The format of openoffice.lst and the meaning of its content are largely
undocumented and don't allow too fine a control over how the product
names can be changed.
For example placing the 'Beta' after the version number, eg 'OpenOffice
4.1 Beta' is not easily possible, so 'OpenOffice Beta 4.1' has to do for
now. Maybe we can improve that for the next release.
You can experiment with finding a better solution by changing the
variables in the Apache_OpenOffice_Beta section in openoffice.lst, build
a new installation set (building just instsetoo_native should be
sufficient for most changes), and install it.
The images posed a different set of constraints due to limited free
space. Again, the guiding principle was to change as little as
possible. The 'beta' text is added without changing or moving any other
The images are available here:
default_images/introabout/beta/intro.png (splash screen)
default_images/introabout/beta/about.png (about dialog)
framework/res/beta/backing.png (start center)
With more time and your input we can improve both product names and
images but for the time being the current state is as good as was
possible in available time.
Best regards,
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