On 2/27/14 11:53 PM, Samer Mansour wrote:
> I'm tweaking the source SVGs so that the pixels in lines aren't between two
> pixels and look blurry.
> Once the SVGs are done its only a few minutes to generate the different
> output types.
> I kept waiting to have free uninterrupted block of time to complete the
> icons in the two months, which never happened.
> This last week I realized I'm making better progress if I did one icon each
> night.
> I'll keep posting updated zips with source SVGs as each finish.
> Soon I'll have the source svg's done, then we can worry about generating
> assets.

ok perfect, thanks for your support. We are running a little bit out of
time and have made no tests so far with the new icons in place.

I suggest that we prepare test builds during the beta phase and see how
the new icons work. Important from my opinion is that they fit in the
overall picture and potentially we have to change more ...
But lets see what we can achieve in time and when we all agree to
integrate them in the GA we can do that. Otherwise we should immediately
continue the work and integrate them asap in trunk to test, verify,
improve this highly visible UI changes for the next release.

We should not forget that such visible UI changes are always sensible
and many different people have many different opinions.

I am in favor of having this new icons available as soon as possible.


> Samer
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 2:50 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 2/25/14 1:58 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>> On 02/24/2014 07:32 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>>> On 2/19/14 4:18 AM, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>>> Good eye on the green, that was a mistake, correcting now and
>>>>> uploading a
>>>>> new copy shortly.
>>>>> Yeah @2 for their retina display basically twice the physical pixels
>> per
>>>>> inch (not sure if that statement is true, but its how we figure out the
>>>>> icons.)
>>>>> I know we need windows format, we still have time before the release,
>>>>> Jurgen or if someone else knows what formats and sizes we need that
>>>>> would
>>>>> be a great help.
>>>> I will check the needed formats asap but important is that you provide
>>>> the svg's that others can help as well.
>>>> As always it is not easy to identify how the process work and where the
>>>> images are stored and where to used ... We have some in default_images
>>>> and used in probably in the start center and ??? Then we have icons in
>>>> sysui as *.ico and *.icns
>>>> Means there is still some work to do but I would like to try to include
>>>> them for AOO 4.1.
>>>> Can you share the svg files asap?
>>>> Juergen
>>> Juergen --
>>> It looks like there are  svg items included in the zip files --
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=34834886
>>> I don't know right at the moment if this is all we need.
>> I have seen this but the file type icons are not complete, only impress
>> and math are available.
>> Juergen
>>>>> Samer
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 2:56 AM, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 18.02.2014 04:36, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>>>>> I know for windows 48x48 is used in windows 8 in a lot of defaults.
>>>>>>> I'm hoping I'm not too late to get the list of all icons
>> sizes/formats
>>>>>>> needed to finish this before the next release.
>>>>>>> Anyone know when the next release is?
>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Samer Mansour <samer...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>   cwiki is back up now
>>>>>>>> I've uploaded the application icons in a zip to
>>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/
>>>>>>>> AOO4.1+-+Desktop+Icons
>>>>>>>> Scroll down to feb 17th, I went with my last design and did the
>> final
>>>>>>>> pixel tweaking so anti-aliasing doesn't blur the pixels in the
>> icons.
>>>>>>>> Its the circle with the gull and the context offset in the lower
>> left
>>>>>>>> corner.
>>>>>> Samer, thanks for your work.  I have one remark and one (possibly
>>>>>> stupid)
>>>>>> question:
>>>>>> - The PNG icons for Calc have slight transparancy in their background
>>>>>> color.  As this does not exist in the SVG nor in icons for other
>>>>>> applications, I assume this is a mistake.
>>>>>> - Maybe I have missed this in a previous mail, but what does the @2
>>>>>> part
>>>>>> of some of the icons mean?  Is that a Mac thing?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Andre
>>>>>>>> Samer
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>   On 02/17/2014 08:41 AM, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>>>>>>>   Sorry about this situation.
>>>>>>>>>> I will produce the following pngs for macOS today. The cwiki
>>>>>>>>>> seems to
>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> down, so I can e-mail you the sources and finished products
>>>>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>>>>> icon_16x16.png
>>>>>>>>>> icon_16...@2.png (32x32)
>>>>>>>>>> icon_32x326.png
>>>>>>>>>> icon_32...@2.png (64x64)
>>>>>>>>>> icon_128x128.png
>>>>>>>>>> icon_128x...@2.png (256x256)
>>>>>>>>>> icon_256x256.png
>>>>>>>>>> icon_256x...@2.png (512x512)
>>>>>>>>>> icon_512x512.png
>>>>>>>>>> icon_512x...@2.png (1024x1024)
>>>>>>>>>> Can you compile a list of formats we need? ie windows and mac,
>>>>>>>>>> and what
>>>>>>>>>> ever else we need.
>>>>>>>>>>   Hi Samer --
>>>>>>>>> Since both wikis are currently down, can you put sources
>>>>>>>>> people.apache.org area somewhere so we could get to them?
>>>>>>>>> We can do the rendering once we have the ".svg" files without any
>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>> I think Jürgen is on vacation this week.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for all your wonderful work on these updates.
>>>>>>>>>   On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Jürgen Schmidt
>>>>>>>>> <jogischm...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>    On 12/16/13 10:19 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/13/13 6:37 AM, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>   Just so you don't think I died in a fire. I'm just under a
>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   pressure
>>>>>>>>>>>> at my new workplace and I'm working weekends because we're
>>>>>>>>>>>> flying by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> edge of our seats at this start up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just ordered my family gifts online. I'm trying to get my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> priorities
>>>>>>>>>>>>> right.  I will have this done before the new year.  Just need
>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   squeeze it
>>>>>>>>>>>> in.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Samer,
>>>>>>>>>>>> no pressure and your new job should have of course a higher
>> prio.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>> for keeping us updated
>>>>>>>>>>>>   I assume that we get no new icons for AOO 4.1, correct?
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe you can share the source files and somebody else is
>>>>>>>>>>> interested
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> continue. I like the new icons and would like to see them in the
>>>>>>>>>>> office
>>>>>>>>>>> as soon as possible.
>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Juergen
>>>>>>>>>>>   Juergen
>>>>>>>>>>>>   On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jogischm...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>     On 11/23/13 6:45 PM, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I found what we need with the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> attachments/34834886/logo-w-offset3.png?version=6&
>>>>>>>>>>> modificationDate=1385227784594
>>>>>>>>>>>   (from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AOO4.1+-+Desktop+Icons
>>>>>>>>>>>   )
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The application icons will have the bird and the circle
>>>>>>>>>>>>> branding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      When
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> application icon is 16x16 I will drop the gull.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The file icons are absolutely an improvement off the old file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icons,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    that in mind.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I won't be placing the gulls in the file icons.  The file
>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   32x32
>>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 17x20 inside for the application context and that's being
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dedicated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   context.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can have the rough icons ready in a week and a half.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   just to ensure that we get all sizes we need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The main.icns file on MacOS contains
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_16x16.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_16...@2.png (32x32)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_32x326.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_32...@2.png (64x64)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_128x128.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_128x...@2.png (256x256)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_256x256.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_256x...@2.png (512x512)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_512x512.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon_512x...@2.png (1024x1024)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juergen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Samer Mansour
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Samer Mansour <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> samer...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     I've been so busy at work in the last week, let me set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reminder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    to review this on Saturday and give everyone an update and
>>>>>>>>>>>> propose
>>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> move forward.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 4:47 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   jogischm...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    On 11/4/13 8:23 PM, Samer Mansour wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is just a reminder that this coming Nov 9th is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    day
>>>>>>>>>>>>> window for list folk to submit ideas, whether in words or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> images.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After this date, I will compile the ideas and feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Hi Samer,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any news on this? I believe we should integrate new icons
>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> soon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Juergen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Samer Mansour
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Samer Mansour <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> samer...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm proposing to have the icons (and related assets)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   AOO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    4.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> release. I would like to take the responsibility to see this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> done.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the icons that need to be updated:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AOO4.1+-+Desktop+Icons
>>>>>>>>>>>   Related asset:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> AOO4.1+-+Application+And+Launcher
>>>>>>>>>>>   You can see two examples of ideas on the first link. You can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   suggest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your own ideas verbally by commenting on the wiki page or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> visually by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    attaching it to the wiki. (Please don't reply ideas in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    list,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> let us know if you have trouble)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am putting a deadline for the idea submission and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    days,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> November 9th, 2013.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once we reach the deadline, we will have a separate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> optimizing for the best user experience.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is not a contest or a call for public proposals.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   regular,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    needs to be done, no-bikeshedding-please work. When the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deadline
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    9th
>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrives, if there is more than one viable solution, we will try
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   reach
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consensus without a end user vote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eg. We will not be doing what we did with the logo,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that was a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   special
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    case because it is the face of AOO.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Samer Mansour
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>>>>>>>>>                                          -- James Mason
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