On 27.02.2014 15:00, Kay Schenk wrote:
2)  A series of questions on proposed features and how we decide on
new features, including:

a) Is it possible to include a 'Track Change' feature in OpenOffice
like the one in MS Word?

b) When will OpenOffice be able to support saving in (.doc) for
Microsoft Word 2012-2014?

c) Does Open Office plan to add capability to print out marginal
comments/notes on the document page where they appear instead of as a
separate list at the end of the document?"

d) Will OpenOffice users be able to import a "PDF" file, update it,
and export the updated file?

e) How does you decide what features to put into OpenOffice?

f) What is the average time it takes you to fix a bug? add a new feature?
Rob:  I thought we'd lump these all together and give an in-depth
response about how features and bug fixes are prioritized in a
volunteer-led open source project at Apache.
The PDF question seems like a much larger animal than some of the 
others to me. Probably on par with b) -- on a larger scale maybe.
It may need a larger/longer explanation on its own.
I see two reasons we do not have that 'roundtrip':

(1) The PDF exporter needs to work Page-oriented since PDF is. That is the main reason the import was implemented originally for draw format, not for Writer. When importing to Writer, the Page breaks would not be guaranteed. Also the imported text is not 'floating' text in the classical sense of a Writer paragraph - this was AFAIK not possible with the import method chosen. Thus it would not behave well in Writer when you klick somewhere in such a imported document and start writing.
(2) There are enough (even free) programs that add 'overlay' to PDF, 
e.g. for signing documents, so this is not needed to be done by AOO, too.

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