Hi Andrea
Did I do everything is required?
Should I have to resubmit the corrected version of XML (note in bullet 1)
Please check page on our site.
Riccardo Montanaro

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [mailto:pesce...@apache.org] 
Sent: sabato 22 febbraio 2014 17:57
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org; a...@terea.it
Subject: Re: Submit your professional services listing

On 20/02/2014 Rob Weir wrote:
> 2014-02-20 14:03 GMT-05:00 AFC e.tere@ srl <a...@terea.it>:
>> Corrections due to unnecessary backslash in XML
> Hi -- I confirm that we've received your information.   Our process is
> to wait three days to see if there are any concerns

Text in the XML is in Italian and looks good. But I suggest the following quick 

1) In the XML you submitted, please use the correct product name: 
"Apache OpenOffice".

2) In http://www.terea.it/product/open-office/ (last paragraph or page
footer) include the standard short formula for acknowledging the OpenOffice 
trademarks. You can find in the footer of http://openoffice.org and in Italian 
this would be:

Apache, il logo della penna di Apache e OpenOffice sono marchi di The Apache 
Software Foundation. OpenOffice.org e il logo con i gabbiani sono marchi 
registrati di The Apache Software Foundation.

3) Include a (TM) sign the first time you mention Apache OpenOffice in your 


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