On February 6, 2014 5:33:20  Barrett wrote:

>Please review and complete the attached information request about your 
>applications currently in use at London Borough of Southwark.

A)  You sent your request to a mailing list whose subscribers are scattered 
across the globe. A mailing list that is archived on several sites on the 
Internet, including, but not exclusively, some that are part of the World Wide 
Web. The majority of the sites are open to the general public.

B) It is not uncommon for attachments to messages sent to mailing lists to be 
stripped, and removed from the message, between the sender, and the recipient. 
As such, best practices call for a URL to be provided, so the recipents can 
retrieve, and review the attachment.

C) Your request was sent to a list of developers. People who write, or review 
code. People who place little to no concern about distribution of the product. 
People whose concern about licencing starts with "What licence is the source 
code distributed under?" and ends with "Is that source code available?"


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