Hi, KAMINI Welcome to join in QA team
If you have interest on AOO 4.1 FVT, please send your platform and Testlink ID (if you haven't a Testlink account, you can register one[1]), and I will assign test cases to you. You should also get installation sets from dev snapshot [2] and report issues in Bugzilla [3] [1]http://aootesting.adfinis-sygroup.org/index.php [2]http://ci.apache.org/projects/openoffice/#linsnap [3] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/ Thank you! On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Kamini Bonde <kamini.bend...@gmail.com>wrote: > Hi, > I am kamini from India.I am an engineering graduate and have been working > in the field of software Testing since 5 years. I found openoffice to be > quite exciting as its an open source application development. Looking > forward to join the QA team so I learn more on testing and an opportunity > to work with people around the globe. > > Regards, > Kamini. >