Hello! I am the person working on the en_GB (English British) dictionary. Rob contacted me the other day to ask if I also maintained the en_US dictionary (English American). Unfortunately, that dictionary is obfuscated and the solution would be to use the one from Mozilla, just like I did for en_GB, and it would be a huge task since I have already found over 1000 unique words missing/typos/etc. (for en_GB). And I am not sure if the en_US has an explanation .AFF file describing all codes. Official site of en_GB: http://en-gb.pyxidium.co.uk Just look there for the .AFF description. What I would suggest is that someone grabs the en_US from Mozilla and pastes the contents of my .RTF in Thunderbird or OpenOffice to see what words aren't there (they will appear as typos). I have developed a tool for the task (Proofing Tool GUI): http://marcoagpinto.cidadevirtual.pt/proofingtoolgui.html My current list of added/removed/fixed words (in Rich Text Format) (Remember it is for en_GB): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30674540/en_UK_speller_for_Mozilla%2BAOO%2BLO_2013%2B.rtf Please bear in mind that some words are slightly different in the US such as words that have one L instead of two. If someone takes on the project I will merge the dictionary into the big OXT after talking with Andrea for the details. Thanks! Kind regards, >Marco A.G.Pinto ---------------------- --