Great news!

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Clarence GUO <>wrote:

> Hi~ All,
> Since Office 2007 Microsoft has defaulted to saving files in OOXML format.
> And soon, in April, Microsoft will stop supporting Office 2003, the last
> version of Office to write the binary format by default. So it becomes more
> and more important for AOO to have capability to support OOXML file format
> in order to help these users who need to work with OOXML files. AOO already
> has some capabilities for OOXML file import, but it needs many
> improvements. We have some pilot code for enabling OOXML export, developed
> by De Bin, Jian Yuan, Sun Ying, Jin Long... Although it still has some ways
> to go before ready for production, we'd like to contribute it first to AOO
> for further development so that more developers can work on the framework
> and continuously contribute their works. Since it still has many feature
> gaps, we propose to put it on a branch firstly, and continue to enhance it,
> and integrate it into a release only when we see it ready.
> Clarence

Best Regards,

Steve Yin

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