Hello Rob,

I am maintaining the "English Dictionaries" which includes all of them, but I am only improving the en_GB so far.

I was able to improve the en_GB because I grabbed it from Mozilla, and British English is my second tongue.

I believe all the others that come in the AOO are obfuscated

Maybe someone could do the same for en_US? Grab from Mozilla? Can't the original en_US creator provide a clean text one?

That way someone could improve it as well using my tool "Proofing Tool GUI" and then I could add it to the OXT.

PS->I searched for "naïve" and it is in the en_GB dictionary. So, no problem for British English.

Kind regards,
      >Marco A.G.Pinto

On 21/01/2014 13:13, Rob Weir wrote:
Hi Marco,

Are you maintaining the en-US dictionary as well?

I just received a bug report on Twitter.  I verified it with the en-US dictionary.  It might happen with other English dictionaries as well.

We have autocorrect configured so it automatically replaces "naive" with "naïve".   But "naïve" is not in the spell checking dictionary.  So the autocorrect leads to a word that is marked as a spelling error!




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