Hi Raymond,
I'm not sure what all those error messages mean, but I can make some suggestions to try. It has been noted that AOO 3.3 and 3.4 will not run on version 1.7 of Java, at least for Solaris. I have in my 3.4 and running Java 1.6. See below snapshot (may not come through). ![]() Basically it has something to do with labeling as "Oracle" or "Sun Microsystems". My next suggestion is to try and install 3.4. I can be downloaded here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+3.4+Unofficial+Developer+Snapshots There is one person (Apostols Syropoulos) trying to compile the latest version 4.0, but having trouble. I haven't seen any posts the past two weeks. Thanks, Paul On 01/15/14 07:00 PM, Steele, Raymond wrote: Hello, I have OpenOffice 3.3 installed and running on my Solaris x86 system. Things run under normal user experience, but if I run a custom application it fails onloadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank, 0, loadProps). This code works fine on a Solaris 10 system running OO 3.3. Here is some of the stack trace that java produces. Register to memory mapping: EAX=0x090bbe40 is an unknown value EBX=0xfe762000: _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+0 in /libc.so.1 at 0xfe600000 Stack [oxddc510000, 0xddd4f000], sp=0xddd4c520, free space=1005k Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code) C [libc.so.1] t_delete+0x41 C [libc.so.1] realfree+0x5e C [libc.so.1] _malloc_unlocked+0x1d2 C [libc.so.1] malloc+0x38 C [libxml2.so.2] xmlXPathNewParserContext+0x28 C [libxml2.so.2] xmlXPathEval+0x92 C [libunoxml.so+0x81131] Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I had to type this stack trace so I only provided what I thought was pertinent. Please let me know if you need more. Thanks, Raymond Steele |
- loadComponentFromURL - Solaris 11... Steele, Raymond
- Re: loadComponentFromURL - S... Paul Gress
- Re: loadComponentFromURL ... James Lee
- RE: loadComponentFrom... Απόστολος Συρόπουλος
- Re: loadComponent... James Lee
- Re: loadComponentFrom... Paul Gress
- RE: EXTERNAL: Re: loadCompone... Steele, Raymond