
I just wanted to share the basics of what I have found so far. I still have no 
idea on how to solve the issue.  Any help would be great!

Observed Behaviour
1.      OpenOffice starts, the splash screen with logo appears and then closes 
replaced with the full application window and choices for specific OpenOffice 
2.      Selecting either the Word or Spreadsheet project causes a segmentation 
fault and closes the application.
3.      Following the start of the application with the debugger, we can see 
the SidebarController is created in a first pass without error (known because 
first time to this stop point does not error).
4.      As the process continues, the SidebarController constructor is called a 
second time (unknown why, but could be understood with more familiarity with 
the system).
5.      The failure doesn't appear in the constructor, but the trace follows 
down SidebarController constructor call of "WeakReference<SidebarController> 
WeakController (this);"
6.      This template definition for WeakController uses 
Reference<Template>::Refrence( interface_type *pInterface) as its definition in 
7.      The function will try to convert the pInterface parameter to a 
XInterface type called _pInterface.
8.      If it succeeds in converting the pInterface to _pInterface then the 
function will try to acquire a new reference.
9.      Assumption: Creating this new reference calls 
SidebarController::notifyContextChangeEvent with a corrupt or bad rEvent. This 
assumption is based on the stack where the immediate next routine after the 
Reference function call is the notifyContextChangeEvent, also while following 
along in the debugger, the rEvent parameter at this point is already corrupted 
with the value <ERROR> stored in the structure.
10.     It is later after the notifyContextChangeEvent calls Context and then 
ustring that the segmentation fault occurs, but I believe the error located in 
rEvent is what causes this later problem.


David Meffe

-----Original Message-----
From: Herbert Duerr [mailto:h...@apache.org] 
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 3:29 AM
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Cc: Meffe, David K; Steele, Raymond
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

On 09.01.2014 22:48, Steele, Raymond wrote:
> Attached is a copy of the stack trace when we tried to launch both the Word 
> Processor and the Spreadsheet application in OpenOffice.  We are going to 
> attempt to resolve the crash based on this information, but if anything pops 
> out at you, please let us know.

The crashes in Writer and Calc you are seeing both happen when copy 
constructing an OUString from one provided by the SidebarController, so the 
provided string must be bad.

I suggest to set a breakpoint at SidebarController.cxx:257 and examine the 
rEvent.ApplicationName and rEvent.ContextName whether these are good strings. 
From the stack I'd say they probably are not. Then go up the stack and check 
where they come from and why their are bad.

Good luck!
(I'll be away next week, starting this weekend)


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