Rob,  *,

>... However,  there was a confusing (to me) number of
>authorities for accessibility standards.  

It is really pretty simple--WCAG 2.0 is the gold standard for Web content, and 
is applicable to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). 
National and International Standards bodies are basing conformance against this 

WCAG 2.0 A, AA, AAA ( also published as  ISO/IEC 40500:2012 )  are functional 
levels of conformance with accessibility standards.

The reworked AOO Website should probably meet majority of WCAG v2.0 AA level 
requirements. And Apache OpenOffice as a document preparation and review 
program should also strive to meet WCAG level A & AA conformance criteria for 
ICT ( ).

Fortunately much of that is accomplished for the website with valid HTML 5.0 
and WAI-ARIA markup.  While the introduction of IAccessible2 to supplement 
MSAA,  and improvements in ATK and NSAccessibility move the office suite proper 
into a better compliance with some notable shortcommings.   

In the United States, the existing Accessibility Board US Section 508 
requirements were loosely equivalent to WCAG v1, and are being rewritten to 
match functional levels of WCAG 2.0 A & AA.   The draft proposal for U.S. 
conformance can be found here:

Also, relevant parts of the European Union EN 301 549 (
 ) as work of the European Commision (EC) Mandate M 376 ( ) are also based on WCAG v2.0 level A and AA.

So running conformance validators for WCAG 2.0 A, AA, & AAA is probably the 
correct choice in reworking the web site.


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