Hello! I am following Andrea's steps to try to release an updated version of the English (British) speller with over 800 unique words added by me (plus several dozens of derived words). This OXT includes all English dictionaries as before, with only the en_GB updated. I was told to place an unpublished version of it and send the link to the DEV ML in order for people to test it for one week and give feedback. If all is fine, it will be published. Please notice that I had some difficulty in getting the direct link, as I pressed the publish button for it to appear and then unpublished it again... not sure if the procedure was 100% the correct one. Here are the download links: Direct link: http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/download/17669 Test ODT #1 (simple): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30674540/test_words_speller_20140108.odt Test ODT #2 (large): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30674540/test_words_speller_20140107.odt For the reasons why I have decided to embrace this project, please read: http://marcoagpinto.cidadevirtual.pt/en_GB_README.html Happy testing! Kind regards from, >Marco A.G.Pinto ----------------------- --
- Dictionary en_GB - 2014-01-01 - Test version Marco A.G.Pinto
- Re: Dictionary en_GB - 2014-01-01 - Test version Andrea Pescetti
- Re: Re: Dictionary en_GB - 2014-01-01 - Test v... Stuart Swales
- Re: Re: Dictionary en_GB - 2014-01-01 - Te... Alexandro Colorado
- Re: Dictionary en_GB - 2014-01-01 - Test v... Andrea Pescetti