It turns out that the proximate cause of this error was that on the python
side, I was attempting to pass a stream backed by an _io.TextIOWrapper
object, which yields unicode strings as opposed to bytes. Passing a stream
backed by a byte stream resolves the issue.

I will likely delay investigating the underlying cause of the crash.

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 3:28 AM, Herbert Duerr <> wrote:

> Hi Marcin,
> On 10.12.2013 00:09, Marcin Tustin wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> I'm using a version of openoffice compiled by me, albeit on another
>>>> machine, under linux. I run openoffice as an uno listener with the
>>>> command
>>>> below. When I connect to it using python, I get the stack trace below.
>>>> This
>>>> happens whether or not I use the openoffice version of python. I have
>>>> all
>>>> of the environment variables set up such that the python side works to
>>>> talk
>>>> to the openoffice listener.
>>>> The command, and error (triggered by the python connection) are below. I
>>>> would appreciate any insight into possible solutions.
> From the stack it looks as if an C++ exception was not properly handled.
> To get more details about the exception thrown having debug versions of the
> involved libraries would be very useful.
> From the stack you provided the libraries libsfx, libsdd, libfilterconfig1
> and libfwk are involved. So change into the module main/sfx and do a
>         make clean ; make debug=1
> there. Then do the same for main/framework. You'll find the newly built
> libraries in main/solver/4*/unxlngx*/workdir/LinkTarget/Library/. Now
> change into the module main/sfx2 and do a
>         rm -rf unxlngx* ; build debug=1
> there. Then do the same for main/sd. You'll find the newly build libraries
> as unxlngx*/lib/lib*so in the modules.
> Copy the debug libraries to your installed office application which is
> AFAIK at
>         /home/marcintustin/oneclickrep/oneclickcosvirt/
> oneclickcos/openoffice/opt/openoffice4/program/
> and run your tests again. A new crash should provide some info that could
> give us a chance to understand what's going wrong.
> Herbert
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Marcin Tustin
Tel: +44 (0) 7773 787 105 (UK)
       +1  917 553 3974 (US)

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