Hi Folks,

I've spent a couple hours looking through the orientation, help wanted, and
related pages. The next step appears to introduce myself. My name is
Gregory Zobel, but I prefer to be called gz--nickname given by a former
professor of mine.

My background is in technical communication, usability, and rhetoric.
Currently I am a teacher educator working in a College of Education at
Western Oregon University. About 80% of my students are licensed teachers.
Most of the courses I teach focus on using technology to support content
delivery, pedagogy, productivity, etc.

My interests in participating in the AOO project (increasing importance)

   - supporting and improving usability and accessibility of AOO
   - developing materials/marketing as well as templates for higher
   eduction faculty and administration;
   - developing materials, content, and tools for teacher educators--if we
   can convince K-12 teachers and faculty to use AOO, they will model the
   behavior for students;
   - conducting research and studies around use of AOO and other OS
   software in the classroom.

>From what I could tell, some of these activities rest in marketing while
others are in documentation. Additionally, there appeared to be an
Education-focused groups (based out of France, I think), but there does not
seem to have been much activity.

In the end, I want to proactively support the spread of AOO within Teacher
Education to support greater adoption within K-12 and Higher Education.

Any suggestions on where to go next would be welcome. I registered for one
wiki but another failed multiple times ( I just sent an email in from my
other email account.)

Thank you for your hard work, time, attention, and consideration.

As a side note, I could not find much or as detailed documentation on Base
as for the other AOO products. Has there been less focus on Base? Just
wondering a bit about the history. I'm thinking of using Base to develop a
qualitative data analysis tool, but I'd like to know how much support there
is for the product.


Gregory B. Zobel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Educational Technology
MSEd Program Coordinator

Western Oregon University
345 N. Monmouth Ave
Monmouth, OR 97361

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