Hi Herbert
Am 15.11.13 17:17, schrieb Herbert Duerr:
Just a small status update to my mail from Tuesday:
On 12.11.2013 10:17, Herbert Dürr wrote:
On 11.11.2013 10:47, Raphael Bircher wrote:
I run in a build breaker in the rejuvenate01 branche
dmake: Error: -- `uno_purpenvhelpers5abi.map' not found, and can't be
I just committed r1540968 to add the missing file by renaming its older
Has someone a idea what happend here, and what's wrong?
Thanks for looking into the "rejuvenate01" branch. With the renaming and
the recent major update from trunk it has become a "construction site"
though. After the RmMoz work I can now focus on getting the branch round
again and make it a viable port. So stay tuned, in a few days it will
build+run out of the box again and it will have gained an important
feature it missed so far: support for password protected documents!
The rejuvenate01 branch should build out of the box again. Note the
working support for password protected documents and the latest
goodies we got by resyncing to trunk.
No, at me it does not working it stops at "testtools" as far I can see.
COPY: ../config/Linguistic-lingucomponent-thesaurus.xcu ->
COPY: ../unxmaccx.pro/misc/MacOSXSpell.component ->
COPY: ../unxmaccx.pro/misc/guesslang.component ->
COPY: ../unxmaccx.pro/misc/hyphen.component ->
COPY: ../unxmaccx.pro/misc/lnth.component ->
COPY: ../unxmaccx.pro/misc/spell.component ->
LOG: writing
Module 'lingucomponent' delivered successfully. 15 files copied, 10
files unchanged
3 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build
by running:
build --from epm testtools vcl
Greetings Raphael
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