Agree with you. For AT detection, we use WM_GETOBJECT and
SPI_GETSCREENREADER flag. The check box is usefulness now and can be
removed from AOO Windows version.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Andre Fischer <> wrote:

> On 14.11.2013 04:34, Steve Yin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Based on this issue <
>> >,
>> IA2 feature and the status of the option about accessibility check box
>> should be enabled automatically when AOO detects screen reader running. Do
>> you agree with that? Thanks.
> I don't think that we should change the check box.  If we can detect
> accessibility support easily (without loading large libraries or starting
> Java) then I would prefer the Linux way (did not check Mac).  On Linux
> there is no accessibility check box.  You activate or deactivate
> accessibility via the system.  If we can do that on Windows then we should
> do it and remove the checkbox.
> I looked at issue 123643.  The comments describe more than one way to
> detect accessibility support.  Which one is used by the commit (rev.
> 1541823).
> -Andre
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Best Regards,

Steve Yin

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