Am 10/02/2013 01:15 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of

I've enabled the following people who edited the English Release Notes
page and people who asked for access:
ChriStef ~christef (this is Christos Stefanidis)
Keith N. McKenna
Pedro Albuquerque ~pmralbuquerque
Tal Daniel ~tal (note: it's tal not talchu)

I've also enabled the following people (criteria: username and full name
match the PMC roster, so if I saw "pescetti - Andrea Pescetti" listed at and
the same username and full name in CWiki, I enabled it):

af Andre Fischer (note: it's "af" not "andre")
alg Armin Le Grand
arielch Ariel Constenla-Haile
arist Andrew Rist
dpharbison Donald P. Harbison
hdu Herbert Dürr (as requested)
ingotian Ian Lynch
jsc Jürgen Schmidt
khirano Kazunari Hirano
kschenk Kay Schenk
mayongl Yong Lin Ma
orw Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
pescetti Andrea Pescetti
rbircher Raphael Bircher
regina Regina Henschel
rgb-es RGB.ES
robweir Rob Weir
wave David Fisher

The following 3 are pending since they have no real name in CWiki. Just
confirm you use this username and I'll enable you.

imacat Yang Shih-Ching
jim Jim Jagielski
marcus Marcus Lange

My username in the CWiki is "mla".

"marcus" is *not* me but someone else.

FYI - I've no problems with the [Edit] button but you can add me to the whitelist nevertheless.


The following 5 are the ones that I couldn't find (either you don't have
a CWiki username, and there is nothing to do now; or just provide your
CWiki username and I'll enable it).
atjensen Drew Jensen
galoppini Roberto Galoppini
jani Jan Iversen
louis Louis Suarez-Potts
pj Peter Junge (there is a pj, but name does not match)

And of course, if anybody else need access please provide your existing
CWiki username, valid for login at and I will give
you editing rights.


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