
I am a tech support teacher at Nanakuli High & Intermediate School in
Hawaii.  We are located on the leeward coast of the island of Oahu.  I have
a question that I hope you can answer.

We will be receiving a bunch of new MacBook Airs in the next week or so.
One branch of our Dept of Ed will create an image that will use to
configure all of these Macs.  I had requested that Open Office me part of
that image since the suite is free.  Here is the response I received.

"It is free but to the best of my knowledge the GPL3 licensing agreement
has restrictions on the manner in which it needs to be installed. You could
contact the developers and get written clearance then you could your custom

 Although I am a tech support person in the school, I am far from a trained
computer technician, so I am unsure what I need from you so that the image
can include Open Office.  Is there somet documentation you can provide
that will allow us to legally include Open Office in the image?

Thank you,

Brien Nakasone
Technology Support
Nanakuli High & Intermediate School
Office: (808) 668-5823 ext.237
Fax: (808) 668-5828

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