cc'ing the dev list since some of these questions concern the overall
website design.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Pedro Albuquerque
<> wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I'm sending a corrected version of the files and a list a what I found wrong
> in the Web site files, as follows:

Thanks.  I've checked in your latest changes and I then made some
additional corrections.  I think we are almost done now, so I won't
send you a complete ZIP anymore.  It will be easier for you to just
modify the files that have changed.  The latest can always be found

>  * Search button needs at least 80 px to be pretty;

The HTML for this is:

<div class="topsrchbox">
   <input name="resultsPerPage" value="40" type="hidden"/>
   <input name="q" id="query" type="text"/>
   <input name="Button" value="Pesquisar" type="submit" class="topsrchbutton"/>

and the CSS is:

.topsrchbox {
  width: 220px;
  padding-right: 20px;
  text-align: right;

So right now we don't have separate widths per language.  It is all a
single value.  But this is not optimal since some languages will
require more space.

>  * topnav, left side is in English;

I assume you mean where it currently says: "home >> pt-test" ?

This is the "bread crumbs", that shows you the path from the root
homepage.  It is automatically created based on the names of the HTML
pages.  The exception is "home" which is hard coded.  Dave Fischer
might have an idea of how or whether this word can be translated in NL
web pages.

>  * Main index, I want to learn more points to English page, so it's not
>    reviewed;

I fixed some errors here.  So all of the main  index page links should
now point to the translated pages.  But please review:

>  * Main index, Download points to English page;

This page is the correct Portuguese version, but some of the text is
generated in Javascript.  So it requires some special work to

The code is in blocks like this in download/index.html:

if ( hasMirrorLink() ) {
    if ( LINK.toLowerCase().indexOf( "sourceforge" ) != -1 ) {
      // Download directly from a mirror with displayed platform and language.
      document.write( "<div class=\"first button green\"
id=\"optionitem1\" onclick=\"openItem('optionitem1','"
      + LINK + "');" + "return false;\">" );
      document.write( "<h2><a href='" + LINK + "' title='Version " +
VERSION + " - Milestone " + MILESTONE
      + " - Build ID " + BUILD + " - SVN " + SVN_REV + "'>Download
Apache OpenOffice " + VERSION + "</a></h2>"
      + "<p><a href='" + LINK + "' title='Version " + VERSION + " -
Milestone " + MILESTONE + " - Build ID " + BUILD
      + " - SVN " + SVN_REV + "'>Click here for the most recent
version for:<br />"
      + "<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b> and <b>" + LANG_ARRAY[ 2 ] + "</b>
(~" + FILESIZE + " MByte)</a></p>" );

That is what generates the text for me (en_US on Windows):

"Download Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0

Click here for the most recent version for:
Windows (EXE) and English (US) (~137 MByte)"

If you are comfortable editing Javascript then go ahead and modify
that code.  Otherwise, just sent me the translation for the above and
I can apply it.

Also, translation for:

"Signatures and hashes: KEYS , ASC , MD5 , SHA256 , How to verify? |
Release Notes |
Get all platforms, languages, language packs | Source code and SDK |
Portable USB versions and third-party ports | Old and legacy version:
3.4.1 + 3.3.0"

We really need to find a cleaner way to separate the Javascript logic
and the translation strings here, otherwise we'll run into problems
every time we need to update the translation or the logic!

>  * Left menu points to English pages;

I fixed that, I think.

>  * Writer, Calc and Impress pages have a broken download link;

I fixed that.

>  * Base page has a missing screendump;

I fixed that.

Note:  if you look closely the screen shots are of the English version
of OpenOffice, showing an English language document.  If you want to
create screenshots in Portuguese you are welcome to do that instead.

>  * topnav, support, books about AOO, book page is a broken link;

We can do one of two things here:

1) We can point this to the general page which lists written about

2) If there are Portuguese language books about OpenOffice we can list
them on a special page that you maintain in the NL web site.

>  * topnav, participate, last link Students... is broken;


> Besides this, there are several links pointing to English and XX pages but
> you probably already know that.

There should be no more links to "xx" pages.  Let me know if you still
see those.

> You can send more files/pages to be translated whenever you have them ready.
> If I'm wrong in sending this to you alone please let me know.

Since some of these issues will be experienced by other translators it
is good to discuss them on the list.



> Regards,
> Pedro.

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