Hi Yohey,

I got the same wrong result on MS doc format. But using MS docx is OK. That
is consistent with the AOO 4.0 release notes "Support more Numbering&bullet
types in docx". Please check it.

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:02 PM, 張仁瀚 <yohey03...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Recent days I have tried some improvement in the version 4.0 from release
> notes [1] . But I got a problem in my implementation.
> The item "Support more Numbering&bullet types in docx"  is under the index
> "OOXML general". And that is where my question is.
> I use the function which is "numbering" to enter the following words in MS
> office:
> 一.     some words
> 二.      some words
> 三.      some words
> 壹、some words
> 貳、some words
> 參、some words
> 甲、some words
> 乙、some words
> 丙、some words
> And I saved it as docx. In fact, whatever I used doc or docx, I got the
> same result as I opened the doc or docx file with AOO:
> 1.     some words
> 2.      some words
> 3.      some words
> 壹、some words
> 貳、some words
> 參、some words
> 甲、some words
> 乙、some words
> 丙、some words
> The problem is that Chinese number (一二三 is equal to 123) cannot be convert
> completely in AOO.
> Does I got wrong understanding in this improvement or there is something
> wrong?
> Also, if this improvement is not talking about what I did above, how can I
> contribute and improve my problem?
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes
> Thanks.
>    Yohey.

Best Regards,

Steve Yin

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