I'm totally green at StarBasic and VBA. Now I have a question about
CreateObject. I installed SAP and have below macros.

Dim SapGuiAuto As Variant
Set SapGuiAuto = CreateObject("SAPGUI")

But I got error "BASIC runtime error. '91' Module cannot be loaded; invalid
format" when executing CreateObject("SAPGUI")
Then I debugged code then found all SbxFactory instances creation failed. I
found below SbxFactory instances but don't know clearly what are they.
SbiFactory, seems it's for create pure StarBasic objects
SbTypeFactory, seems it's for create user defined objects
SbClassFactory, seems it's for create user defined classes
SbOLEFactory, seems it's for create OLE objects
SbFormFactory, is it for create form controls?
SbUnoFactory, seems it's for create UNO structs

In my scenario, which instance should work? Is that SbTypeFactory or
SbClassFactory? But why they don't work? Is that because StarBasic only
support some predefined objects? Or I lost something? How can I enable the
support for SAP objects?
Could anybody teach me?


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