I am a 2013 Microsoft office user, I just make a few clicks of the mouse and insert page numbers and when I create a new page due to overflow, it just adds the next obvious number to the footer. I have tried every option I have read on the net. I really like the simplicity of the Open Office program. No big mess of understanding 100's of option only those really needed every day. I write commercial appraisal reports and have a need for fields and databases. However I have not gotten through the page numbering yet so there is no sense in going any further until I figure that out. When insert field page number in the footer it says page number that's all. I would even pay for this program if I can make it work for what I do. Is there any place it says step 1, 2, 3 bam. Pages are numbering. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gregory J Shelley PhD Gregory James Co Inc 122 S Philpot St Cedartown, GA 30125 770-749-0042 Email: mailto:gshel...@gjamesco.com Or <mailto:gshel...@gjamesco.com,apprai...@gjamesco.com?subject=Email%20Address es> apprai...@gjamesco.com Website: www.gjamesco.com