On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 5:42 AM, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 1 September 2013 11:27, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I had a talk on #asfinfra today, regarding our upcomming 4.0.1 release.
>> Sync on mirrors takes about a week, and the mirror can in general not hold
>> 4.0 and 4.0.1
Is this a change?  The current published advice is that the mirrors
take no more than 24 hours to sync:


>> Therefore the current suggestion is to
>> a) remove 4.0 from mirrors GA - 1week = 12 september
>> b) update 4.0.1 to mirrors GA = 19 september.
>> The downside is that mirrors will have the 4.0 ready for download for upto
>> a week.

The problem is we don't know for certain a GA date a week in advance.
We can just estimate.  But as we saw with 4.0.0, a last minute defect
can delay things by a week or more.

So in practice this means that there could be more than a week where
4.0.0 is not on the mirrors.  Maybe this is not a problem?

The two things to watch out for (and you have probably already
considered these, but  I'll mention them just in case):

1)  We should not remove the 4.0.0 hashes and signature files from
/dist.  These are referenced even when the binaries are downloaded
from SourceForge.

2) We need to make sure SourceForge is not rsyncing from /dist and
mirror the 4.0.0 removal.

And I assume 4.0.1 goes to archive then?


>> An alternative suggestion, is to rename 4.0 to 4.0.x on the mirrors and
>> have a 4.0 symlink pointing at 4.0.x.
>> That way, we simply replace the 4.0.x file, after GA, and mirrors do not
>> have a time without a package.
>> I personally like the rename idea, so can we do lazy consensus on that ?
>> I have updated issue 6654, and Henkp is copied on this mail.
>> rgds
>> jan I
> Second try, sorry for the first mail.
> I had a talk on #asfinfra today, regarding our upcomming 4.0.1 release.
> Sync on mirrors takes about a week, and the mirror can in general not hold
> 4.0 and 4.0.1
> Therefore the current suggestion is to
> a) remove 4.0 from mirrors GA - 1week = 12 september
> b) update 4.0.1 to mirrors GA = 19 september.
> The downside is that mirrors will have the 4.0 ready for download for upto
> a week (SF will be faster).
> For 4.1 we should consider an alternative way.
> Use 4.1.x on the mirrors and have a 4.1 symlink pointing at 4.1.x.
> That way, we simply replace the 4.1.x file, after GA, and mirrors do not
> have a time without a package.

That's an interesting approach that could work.


> I have updated issue 6654, and Henkp is copied on this mail.
> rgds
> jan I

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