On 8/22/13 3:27 PM, Michal Hriň wrote:
> Dňa Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:00:17 +0200 Jürgen Schmidt
> <jogischm...@gmail.com> napísal:
>> On 8/22/13 1:29 PM, Michal Hriň wrote:
>>> Dňa Thu, 22 Aug 2013 12:02:09 +0200 Jürgen Schmidt
>>> <jogischm...@gmail.com> napísal:
>>>> On 8/22/13 11:51 AM, Michal Hriň wrote:
>>>>> Dňa Thu, 22 Aug 2013 11:37:45 +0200 janI <j...@apache.org> napísal:
>>>>>> On 22 August 2013 11:33, Michal Hriň <michal.h...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dňa Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:46:17 +0200 Jürgen Schmidt
>>>>>>> <jogischm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> napísal:
>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>> I propose a first snapshot build based on revision 1516374 on
>>>>>>>> branch
>>>>>>>> AOO401.
>>>>>>>> This version will contain fixes for some of the proposed
>>>>>>>> showstoppers
>>>>>>>> and 2 further languages zh-TW and pl. Other updated languages
>>>>>>>> are not
>>>>>>>> yet updated and will be included in the next snapshot.
>>>>>>>> Khmer will be integrate when the problems are solved.
>>>>>>>> @Ariel, is it possible for you to prepare the Linux builds? If not
>>>>>>>> please let us know.
>>>>>>>> Juergen
>>>>>>> What's the problem with other languages ? Why you could not
>>>>>>> integrate it
>>>>>>> to this
>>>>>>> snapshot ?
>>>>>>> Lot of improvements are in pootle server .. remember more dev.
>>>>>>> builds
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> made,
>>>>>>> then translations arre better
>>>>>> I agree with jsc, to only do snapshot build with completed languages.
>>>>>> It is
>>>>>> quite a lot of work to get translations back from pootle into the
>>>>>> source
>>>>>> tree.
>>>>>> I hope we will  have a couple of snapshot builds before deadline, so
>>>>>> newly
>>>>>> finished languages can be built fast.
>>>>> Look at pootle server at last activity .. there is lot of activity
>>>>> from
>>>>> last release.
>>>>> (i remember pt, fr, de, for me sk,cs . This improvements werent in
>>>>> release)
>>>>> I dont believe that there will be couple of snapshots ... to 6th
>>>>> september remains only
>>>>> 2 weeks.
>>>>> It is wasteing of cpu power to make all langue builds without language
>>>>> update.
>>>> but I can't see issues for all of this languages. Nothing is included
>>>> automatically
>>> Here is issue for pt approved by _you_
>>> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=122909
>>> My non approved from yesterday,
>>> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=123073
>>> For lot of languages aren't issues but lot of people _very asked_ you
>>> (here on ML)
>>> closely to 4.0 release for language update (me too), I can't find it in
>>> mails.
>> yes and I requested issues for each of them. If that is too much than it
>> is not my problem. I have far enough to do. And I am not here to do
>> everything that can be done by everybody else as well.

no I don't ignore it but you should understand that I have sometimes no
time to do everything in time. The dev build is already prepared and I
am currently uploading it. I had simply no time to do further lang
updates before ...

I am offline for 4 days and won't be available but I wanted to have a
snapshot build in place before that the already fixed issues can be

Everything else comes next week.


> OK. I understand. You are ignoring language without issue.
> So what about updated PT and SK in this dev. build? :)
>> If it too much that anybody else create an issue who is familiar with
>> issuezilla than again it is not my problem. I use English versions only.
>>> Speaker question: Do you think that translators are computer experts and
>>> know how to use
>>> issuezilla ?
>> I think it is no rocket science and can be done by people who use
>> Pootle. And if not they can ask on the mailing list that they probably
>> read.
>>> I know that nothing is done automatically and I am still ready to help
>>> you with translations.
>>> I can be your slave for one day (yesterday?) and update source code with
>>> translations if you
>>> say me how.
>> Perfect, the problem is that you need access to the Pootle server
>> directly and we should solve this specific detail first.
> I can download all .po files from Pootle (as anybody else, it is not
> very effective),
> it is not enough ?
>> Sorry if my response sounds too harsh.
>> Juergen
>>> Regards,
>>> Michal Hriň
>>>> Juergen
>>>>>> rgds
>>>>>> jan I
>>>>>>> -MH
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