On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But if
> we change it it annoys potentially other users. The question is what
> would be the correct and most often wanted default.
What is the purpose of showing margins, and by extension, seeing text
smaller, (less zoom level)?. Is there any data the user can put on
Margins? change the margin colors? put pictures in margins?. In short:
what use is there for margins taking a sizeable portion of the screen

I'm not saying we should NOT show margings, after all, in "Optimal
width", a portion of the margins is seen, but not 50-100 pixels of
them, on every side.

I'm not even saying the view with margins is wrong, maybe someone
wants to look at the "bigger picture". But for TYPING text, "optimal
width" is the best. So, again, why isn't that option the default?.

Maybe the UX guys can comment?. And yes, I'd love to see a survey. And
even better, some telemetry (like Firefox' ) about how many users,
when typing or browsing text documents, end up viewing the document in
"optimize width" mode).

Thanks for taking the time to answer, btw. Appreciate it.
Best regards,

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell

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