On Fri, 2 Aug 2013, Henk P. Penning wrote:

  The stuff incubator/ooo can now be removed from www.apache.org/dist/,
  and therefor, from the mirrors.
  I will do this later today ; unless someone beats me to it :-).


  can we now discuss the next step?

  I would like to (properly) exclude dist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries/
  from the mirrors. This directory now only contains checksums
  (.md5's, .asc's and .sha256's) ; and on the mirrors only empty
  directories (because checksums are excluded for mirrors).

  To make it concrete: the rsync [apache-dist] module is now

  exclude = *.md5 *.MD5 *.sha1 *.sha *.sha256 *.sha512 *.asc *.sig
    KEYS KEYS.txt .svn/ /.rsync.td/
    /zzz/perms /externaldist /zzz/rsync-module/apache-dist-most

  I want to add "/openoffice/*/binaries/" ;
  where the '*' only matches non-/.

  Is that OK ?

  If/when ok, then

  -- everything in "dist/externaldist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries/"
     will be copied to "dist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries/" ; where
     timestamps must be carefully preserved.

  ... cleanup dist/externaldist [to be discussed offline] :

  -- create a module (or fix the current module) that SourceForge (SF)
     can use to get the 4.0.0 binaries.
  -- talk to SF so they can switch to the new (or updated) module
  -- cleanup (rm) dist/externaldist


  Henk Penning

------------------------------------------------------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL      F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ M penn...@uu.nl     \_/

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