Am 07/21/2013 02:58 AM, schrieb Rob Weir:
On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Marcus (OOo)<> wrote:
Am 07/20/2013 12:45 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Here a little update what I can see:
The builds seem to be completely received on SourceForge. So, for me
it's done.
No "openoffice" directory and therefore no binary and source builds.
Maybe Juergen and Infra are still working on this. I'll look again today
evening/tomorrow morning (European timezone).
This is unchanged.
At the end it seems that we won't have source files available when we
annouce the release. Is this any kind of stopper? The source is available as
usual via SVN access. So, I don't know.
Yes, this is a problem. Remember, dist is also the secured Apache
location for the KEYS file as well as the MD5 and SHA256 files for the
binaries. So we really need to have that working before we start
distributing the binaries.
But the release announcement is not happening until Tuesday morning,
so there should be time to figure this out.
You are right, at least the checksum files need to be availble, too.
If not then I would unstage the dirs/files on SourceForge and therefore make
the AOO 4.0 release visible for the world. And update the download webpages.
As the announcement is planned for Monday I will do this on Sunday evening
(European time).
The announcement is planned for Tuesday morning, not Monday. I don't
Really? I thought it was meant like "do it on Monday but if it delays to
Tuesday it is also OK".
mind if the website gets updated a half day or so before then, but I
think we need to have our stuff on before this
Right. OK, then let's wait for Monday.
Do you know what the technical problem is?
No, what in the meantime it seems resolved (see my other mail).
Am 07/19/2013 05:16 PM, schrieb Jürgen Schmidt:
The vote closed successful and I have once again uploaded the files in
the dist are on the people server.
The relevant files for SF are under
I hope the rsync url works now, if not please contact the infra people
rsync Url:
A complete file list can you find here
As I mentioned earlier I will be not available until next week Thursday.
But I hope I can follow the release a little bit to have some fun with
you all together ;-)
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