
I would like to propose another small enhancement: a change of the default size of application windows on Linux. In some cases--Writer, start center, Math, Base--the application window is almost square by default (for Calc, Impress and Draw it is fullscreen). This does not work well with the new sidebar, which was designed with widescreen displays in mind.

I would like to change that to what is used on Mac, use 80% of width and height of the screen, on which the application starts.For screen widths of 1024 and below I would still use the current values (therefore you will see no differences in the 1024x768 and 800x600 screen shots.) As this sizing scheme is already in use on the Mac platform it is tried and accepted (at least I know of no complaints). The default fullscreen mode for Calc, Impress and Draw would not be changed.

Here are some comparisons for the current state (left side) and the proposed sizes (right side). To speed up download I have provided smaller versions (25% and 50%) along with the original sizes:

 800x 600  25% [1],  50% [2],  100% [3]
1024x 768  25% [4],  50% [5],  100% [6]
1280x1024  25% [7],  50% [8],  100% [9]
1680x1050  25% [10], 50% [11], 100% [12]
1920x1200  25% [13], 50% [14], 100% [15]

The change is rather small and restricted to Linux (the GTK module) and should have low risk of introducing regressions.

Best regards,

[1] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-800-600-h-25.png
[2] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-800-600-h-50.png
[3] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-800-600-h-100.png
[4] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1024-768-h-25.png
[5] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1024-768-h-50.png
[6] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1024-768-h-100.png
[7] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1280-1024-h-25.png
[8] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1280-1024-h-50.png
[9] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1280-1024-h-100.png
[10] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1680-1050-h-25.png
[11] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1680-1050-h-50.png
[12] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1680-1050-h-100.png
[13] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1920-1200-25-h.png
[14] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1920-1200-50-h.png
[15] http://people.apache.org/~af/images/scale/writer-1920-1200-h-100.png

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