Hello Oliver,

I did a test in a clean virtualbox under Debian Wheezy 32 bit.
First I installed AOO 3.4.1 without problems
Then I installed the developer Snapshot from 2013-06-27 with dpkg -i *.deb.

This doesn't work proper. I get many errors, for example: "openoffice
kollidiert mit openoffice.org3" and so on

I tried it also with --auto-deconfigure but this doesn't solve all problems.

Kind regards


Am 28.06.2013 13:30, schrieb Oliver-Rainer Wittmann:
> Hi Metchtilde,
> On 28.06.2013 11:18, Mechtilde wrote:
>> Hello Ariel,
>> hello @
>> when can I expect DEBS 64 bit so I can install it under Wheezy (Debian
>> 7.0), looking for the UI and finishing the transaltion for the
>> Germanophone Help. Most of it is the presenter minimizer.
> Regarding issue 121968 it would be great, if you could test the
> update/upgrade from a former AOO/OOo version.
> Thanks in advance,
> Oliver.
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