On 24.06.2013 06:27, Juergen Schmidt wrote:
Am Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013 um 13:48 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
On 19/06/2013 Ivan Poot Diaz wrote:
This patch "registrodom.patch":
This code snippet allows Auto Registration the colors to Apache
OpenOffice Drawing , ie the self-colored. Through this patch allows the
user to add new colors in the color palette without entering a name. ...
This code I've been working in the module cui (file: tpcolor.cxx). I
would like that the community to help implement this code in AOO.
Hi Ivan, we didn't receive your patch: the dev mailing list strips all
attachments from messages. The right way to send a patch is to create an
issue at https://issues.apache.org/ooo/ and attach the patch to it
(don't worry about the many other fields, we can always fix them later;
but please put a description like the one you put in your e-mail and
attach the patch file).
be careful with patches that have influence on the UI. We should not integrate
such patches now at this time on front of the release.
Adding a single color make no sense and a consistent color scheme is important.
The focus should be here more on adding a custom color palette as an extension.
I guess from the description that it's more about avoiding to ask the
user for a unique name for the new color when entering one in the fill
dialog. Second guess is that such a unique name gets constructed, e.g.
using the RGB values as hex or something similar (white would be named
0xffffff). I thought about something similar already...
If it arrives, I can have a look!
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