On 6/21/13 9:16 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> On 6/21/13 9:09 AM, Rajath Shashidhara wrote:
>> Hello Juergen,
>> I mean if "getPropertyValues" is requested for non-existing content what is
>> the exception that must be thrown?
> I have to check the code of another UCP to say it exactly, I can't
> remember for sure...

first guess InteractiveIOException but as mentioned before I have to
check the code ...

> But the UCP handles or communicate errors via exceptions, don't ask me
> why. Have you checked the exceptions and error codes (enums) on
> http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/ucb/module-ix.html?
> Juergen
>> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Jürgen Schmidt 
>> <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On 6/21/13 8:05 AM, Rajath Shashidhara wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> The explanation for "insert" command is not clear to me.
>>>> If I call "insert" for a document, then I'll have to set the InputStream
>>> to
>>>> to existing document. What happens If I call "insert" for a folder?
>>> you create a folder
>>>> Also, if the object specified by path doesnt exist on the repository,
>>> what
>>>> kind of error should be raised? I mean the XContentIdentifer points to a
>>>> location that doesnt exist, what kind of exception must be thrown?
>>> you should create it and only in case of an error you handle the error
>>> appropriately and return back to the UCB.
>>> In general you can open, edit and save document and folders, can create
>>> new document and can delete document, rename document/folder, basic file
>>> operations and all should be supported.
>>> Juergen
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