On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:32 AM, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 5 June 2013 11:05, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <orwittm...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> sorry for top-posting, but I think it makes sense to clean up some things.
>> Some facts and my opinions:
>> (1)
>> Fact: In communication with infra, infra had proposed
>> https://updates.openoffice.**org/ <https://updates.openoffice.org/> (
>> https://ooo-updates.**openoffice.org/<https://ooo-updates.openoffice.org/>as 
>> the backup) as the URL for the resources accessed by the update
>> functionality by AOO 4.0 and later. Nobody objects.
>> My opinion: I think we should go for it.
> +1, I will check dns, add whats missing, and when the cert arrives update
> erebus-ssl (the https: proxy)
>> (2)
>> Fact: In communication with infra, infra had proposed
>> ^/openoffice/updates-site/**trunk as the SVN location for the resources
>> needed for the update functionality by AOO 4.0 and later.
>> My opinion: I believe it would be good to have the update resources
>> separated from the website resources. It would mean to move
>> ^/openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/**content/projects/aoo40/check.**Update to
>> ^/openoffice/updates-site/**trunk/aoo40/check.Update
> +1 No problem, I can create the path in svn and add an alias (link) in the
> httpd server. Btw this is easy to change later, it is a simple one line, in
> the configuration.
>> (3)
>> My understanding: I think infra had in mind to "map"
>> https://updates.openoffice.org (resp. https://ooo-updates.**
>> openoffice.org/ <https://ooo-updates.openoffice.org/>) to
>> ^/openoffice/updates-site/**trunk
>> Please correct me, if my understanding is not correct.
> it was correct, but changed to (2)
>> (4)
>> Fact: The update resources for AOO 3.4.1, AOO 3.4, OOo 3.3, OOo 3.2.1 and
>> OOo 3.2 will remain at their current SVN location and will be accessed by
>> the current UpdateURLs.
>> My opinion: Thus, I believe there will be no change to the SVN locations,
>> to the URLs and to the "URL mapping/forwarding" (sorry, I do not know the
>> correct term here) for the update resources used by already released
>> versions.
> mapping is the correct term. There will be no changes apart from (1) and
> (2)
>> My proposal:
>> I propose to follow infra's proposal mentioned above in (1) and (2).
> I have added it to infra tasks. We are currently waiting for the cert to be
> sent, then the first step will be to get https: working for wiki and
> forums, second step is updates.o.o
>> Best regards, Oliver.
> thx for a very  clear mail, if nobody objects within the next 72 hours, it
> will be implemented as you propose.

An extra step will be needed.  Presumably we want the Apache CMS
enabled so it publishes files from the SVN dir to the website dir.
This doesn't happen automatically.


> rgds
> jan I.
>> On 05.06.2013 00:22, janI wrote:
>>> On 5 June 2013 00:05, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>  On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:59 PM, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 4 June 2013 22:36, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>  On 03/06/2013 Rob Weir wrote:
>>>>>>  I think the concern is this:
>>>>>>> 1) We want SSL for 4.0.http://update.openoffice.****org<
>>>>>> http://update.openoffice.org> is not HTTPS.
>>>>>>> 2) The URL https://ooo-site.openoffice.****apache.org<http://apache.org>
>>>>>>> <
>>>>>> https://ooo-site.openoffice.**apache.org<https://ooo-site.openoffice.apache.org>>
>>>> supports SSL, but is
>>>>> not considered "long term stable".  The URL is an artifact of the CMS
>>>>>>> 3) We're looking for a stable URL.  One could be
>>>>>>> https://updates.openoffice.org****, but that requires an SSL cert for
>>>>>>> *.openoffice.org.  But will that be supported in time for the AOO 4.0
>>>>>>> release?
>>>>>>> 4) Backup plan is updates.openoffice.apache.org, which could be
>>>>>>> supported via SSL today, using the *.apache.org cert.  If we do that
>>>>>>> we'd want to map that to its own CMS dir in SVN. so it can be updated
>>>>>>> and published via the CMS.
>>>>>> This is mostly correct, except the fact (in #2 and #4) that the current
>>>>>> certificates only support x.apache.org and not x.y.apache.org: so
>>>>>> https://ooo-site.apache.org is what is in the sources right now (well,
>>>>>> the last time I checked) and 
>>>>>> https://openoffice-updates.**a**pache.org<http://apache.org>
>>>>>> <
>>>>> https://openoffice-updates.**apache.org<https://openoffice-updates.apache.org>>(or
>>>> something like that) should be
>>>> used for the backup plan in #4.
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I am confused, it seem we nearly all agree on
>>>>> https://updates.openoffice.**orgbut 
>>>>> <https://updates.openoffice.orgbut>not on the directory.
>>>>> The order for the cert is being processed, when the cert arrives it
>>>>> needs
>>>>> to be implemented on erebus-sll (our https: proxy), and we (infra) need
>>>> to
>>>>> do some updates on the aoo servers.
>>>>> In order to do this work, I need:
>>>>> 1) which url (e.g. https://updates.openoffice.org**)
>>>>> 2) should relate to which directory in svn.
>>>>> The last mails contains different proposal ranging from dont do it for
>>>> 4.0
>>>>> to different dirs, that is something I cannot implement.
>>>>> We can also decide to forget it for https:updates.*, but I need a single
>>>>> decision to be able to implement it.
>>>> Is the cert already here?  Or do we have a few weeks to decide?  I'd
>>>> say, don't let this decision get in the way of deploying the cert and
>>>> enabling it for the website, wikis, forums, etc.   The update site
>>>> doesn't need to be enabled until shortly before AOO 4.0 is released.
>>>>  We have been promised a free cert, I just checked it is not yet in our
>>> hands.
>>> Wiki and other services with login, will be changed to https: to adhere to
>>> asf/infra policy.
>>> This will be done on infra initative, and the actual setup will be like
>>> other servers in asf.
>>> update.o.o can come later, but it will definitively save work if we do it
>>> as one task. Of course if
>>> the decision is to postpone after 4.0, it will be 2 tasks.
>>>> And depending on when the cert arrives, we might not use it at all for
>>>> 4.0 updates.  If it comes too late we'll just use an apache.org
>>>> address.   So we're really waiting for Infra on this, not the other
>>>> way around.  We need an estimate for when the cert will be purchased
>>>> so we can decide whether or not it will be used for 4.0 updates.
>>> As I understand it from the code, the end-user never sees this url, so why
>>> not stick with apache.org ?
>>> rgds
>>> jan I.
>>>> -Rob
>>>>  rgds
>>>>> jan I.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>    Andrea.
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