On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:43 PM, Raphael Bircher <r.birc...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hi Jörg, *
> Am 30.05.13 22:54, schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
>> Hello,
>> Raphael had proposed to coordinate the work on the German website in the
>> wiki, and we've discussed on the users...@openoffice.apache.org list.
>> But where, in the hierarchy of the wiki (see left on the page
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Wiki+Home), I should to
>> insert a page?
>> Possibly:
>> Project Planning-Native Language Projects-Website(de)?
>> or:
>> Project Planning-Site-Dev-Plan-Website(de)?
>> or where else?
> I'm not 100% sure here, where we should put the organization stuff for the
> de community. We have a old orga corner on the Mediawiki. But as I know we
> decided the following:
> Media Wiki: User content
> cwikiUSERS: for community coordination
> cwikiDEV: not realy used now

That is how we did it from the start of the podling, before the Mwiki
was migrated.  We didn't have a choice, really.  But of course, under
Sun/Oracle we used only MWiki.  And now that Jan has stabilized MWiki
we could return to doing everything there if we wanted.

One factor might be this:  there are probably links from 3rd party
German websites and mailing list archives pointing to the Mwiki, so it
might be good to start putting updated project content there, so new
visitors will see the current activity.

> So from this point of view, the right place would be the cwiki. BUT the
> cwiki has no language support. I personaly would prefer the cwiki over the
> MW for orga work. It's easyer to use, and so we stay consistent.

That would work as well, in which case we might want to add a link
from the de MWiki page to the CWiki pages.


> Greetings Raphael
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