Am Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013 um 22:16 schrieb Marcus (OOo):
> Am 05/22/2013 06:04 PM, schrieb Donald Whytock:
> > I see on the downloads page (
> > that the current version is listed as "*Current Version 3.4.1
> > (incubating)". *Since 3.4.1 is the current official release, and since
> > "incubating" has more to do with Apache internal policies than the release
> > itself, should the release still be called "(incubating)"?
> > 
> The AOO project was still incubating as the version was released. So, 
> it's correct when it is still listed as "incubating".
> > Could shorten the actual filenames too, but I suppose we're stuck with
> > those for now...?
> > 
> It won't work as long as you don't change the filenames on the 
> SourceForge servers, their download scripting, our download scripting. 
> And believe me, you don't want to do this just for 3.4.1. ;-)
> Or do you mean just the displayed filenames? Yes, this could be changed 
> but I don't know if it is worth it.
> Of course AOO 4.0.0 will be completely different in this regard.

Please, nobody should spend any time on this. It's not worth the effort.

> Marcus
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