On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/26/13 8:10 PM, janI wrote:
>> On 26 April 2013 18:52, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Claudio Filho <filh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Em 26/04/2013 12:13, "janI" <j...@apache.org> escreveu:
>>>>>> for the record, this was not what I said....I simply believe that a
>>>>> feature without help (and documentation) is not complete and if released
>>>>> should be highlighted because our average user depend on help in many
>>>>> situations.
>>>> Only to give an out perspective, this "highlighted" can return against
>>> we,
>>>> as a incomplete or immature development.
>>>> Imho, an important feature of aoo project is its concern in bring and
>>>> deliver a product with high quality. So, the PoV of Ariel and Jan are
>>> solid.
>>> Then all the more reason for someone who cares to enter an issue into
>>> BZ for this.  Don't you agree?
>> I have not seen BZ yet for problems/shortcomming with new features in
>> development (e.g. where are the detailed outstandings of IA2, jsc 3 layer
>> change etc). The help/documentation issue is part of the general sidebar
>> development, but of course  we can make one big extra BZ for the 4.0
>> release just to please the administrative overhead.
> well I had at least one issue for my 3 layer work and got a second one
> for a problem that I introduced. I will create more top finish the SDK
> adoption. An of course I would prefer indeed issues for all many more
> changes.

I went ahead and entered a BZ issue for this:




>> making BZ for problems/missing with ongoing development is highly
>> problematic, I could f.x. make about 10 BZ for genLang, and I am pretty
>> sure the sidebar developers/documenters/testers could make about at least
>> 100 BZ if they wanted to. It would simply flood BZ, make real problems
>> harder to spot, and put an extra burden on the people doing the work.  I
>> f.x. have a simply list with my outstandings,which is quite normal during
>> the development/initial test phase.
> we have indeed many issues now for the sidebar to document the problems.
> Problems from very trivial to more complex and not easy to solve.
> Missing help is of course one that should be tracked with an issue. As
> release manager I will of course not accept it as showstopper if we have
> no issue. And even then it has to be discussed.
> We had again a lot of discussion and nobody started to solve the
> problem. I have at least tried to collect some info about the format and
> the tooling. And Ariel provided a patch that will help with extended
> tooltips. But nobody started work on a help file so far.
> If somebody will veto the release because of a missing help file you can
> be sure that I will never ever acting as release manager again.
> And yes it would be missing and it should be fixed, we all agree but it
> is not stopper issue. We have much more serious problems that we have to
> fix before.
>> making a special BZ for this issue, is in my opinion just an administrativ
>> trix, it does not change 1 millimeter about the fact, that we have both a
>> challenge. And also I dont understand why you separate this issue from all
>> the other open issues with sidebar.
> I really don't see a separation here, it's simply one more issue
> regarding the sidebar.
>> We should be focussing a lot more on solving our challenges !!
> exactly and I don't see that here
>> Discussing whether or not help is  integrated after both developers and
>> documenters have told it is not, or whether or not a BZ should be filled
>> out are not positive for the process or for our community.
>> This is of course my private meaning, but we have a real tendency at the
>> moment to discuss the administrative surrounding and not the kernel issues.
>> I do not understand, why that is, but I strongly believe it signals
>> something negative.
> bring your concerns on the table and describe it clearly that we all can
> understand exactly what you mean. It is better to start the discussion now.
>> Lets try to focus on the problems, make solutions...not administrative
>> stoppers, any objections to that ?
> an issue for this problem is quite normal and the solution is to start
> working on it. Quite easy from my pint of view.
> Juergen
>> rgds
>> Jan I.
>>> -Rob
>>>> My 2 ¢
>>>> Claudio
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