Le 24/04/2013 23:05, Rob Weir a écrit :
The fact that we're doing one thing now does not mean we won't also do
other things later.  As it says in the survey introduction, this is
part of an overall "brand refresh" effort.  Other pieces will occur as
well, but not all at once and certainly not all today.

But it may be less easy to derive a theme from a single logo than building a 
whole pack having in mind the synergy needed between the main logo and the 
application icons.

LibreOffice was very consistent about that when they forked. Their visual 
identity is rather strong and efficient.

But well, let's see how it goes. I just hope that the other icons will be 
changed shortly afterward. They are the real weak point in the AOO visual brand 
IMHO (and it's no fun looking at them all day long).


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