Hi, all, I update the 4.0 planning wiki<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Planning>with the latest status. Per my reading, I added some comments in the status column.
Following 2 items were already marked as done: - "OpenOffice.org" --> "Apache OpenOffice" - TOC interoperability improvement Following items are still on going, and need to be done in 4.0: - sidebar - Mac support - 3layer drop - new logo Following items though marked "In Progress", but are really long term works, and I suggest we just close them and harvest what already done in 4.0. Leave the further improvement in future release. - MS Office interoperability enhancements - Performance & Reliability improvements - More gallery - Adding Symphony gradients - Adopt palette to Symphony palette partially Following items look not containable in short term, and I suggest we move then to 4.1, or even backlog: - IA2 support (4.1) - Patch mechanism (4.1) - Encryption UI (4.1) - Fundamental Changes for Draw and others (4.1) - Improve Draw Feature (backlog) - Extension Manager (backlog) - OpenSocial (backlog) And my plan is to clean them up next week if no objection. Hope it can give a clear view of the scope of 4.0. Looking forward your comments. Thanks! - Shenfeng (Simon)