On 4/22/13 12:24 AM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 07:12:18PM -0300, Ariel Constenla-Haile
> wrote:
>> Hi Jani,
>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 12:06:18AM +0200, janI wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to understand the discussion here, and I miss 
>>>>> something.
>>>>> If we do not have libwpd in our 3.4.0 release I assume we
>>>>> have something else to replace it (or have we removed the
>>>>> feature that uses libwpd?).
>>>> answer in
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=120043#c1
>>> thx. Now I understand the problems.
>>> Would it btw not be smarter in general to have conversions
>>> from relative old packages like wordperfect in an extension (as
>>> suggested in the bug report), that would help reduce the
>>> footprint, and users can still convert.
>> The suggestion quoted there is not realistic: writerfilter
>> depends on several core libraries 
>> http://hg.services.openoffice.org/OOO340/file/c904c1944462/writerperfect/prj/build.lst
An extension can use only URE libraries, so making an extension out of
>> writerfilter will require to rewrite the code.
>> On the other hand, "re-integrating" libpwd is more than
>> re-integrating it: the code has changed, writerfilter need
>> modifications (that is, someone in the know must update the
>> library, it's not simply dumping the new tar and making it
>> compile).
> s/writerfilter/writerperfect/
> I couldn't find any reference to libwps, nor libwpg. It seems they
> are used in LO, which may have better support for this kind of
> documents. If so, it would make sense to take their code and make a
> filter extension out of it (or duplicate the work here). Any way,
> everything in this thread is reduced to the usual "someone (in the
> know) has to do it".

exactly and who really cares about this formats? We should better
improve the OOXML support and think about an export as well.

I would recommend that we don't waste time to discuss something that
is not relevant at the moment. It's early enough to discuss when we
have something concrete.


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